Friday, November 14, 2014

Purpose of Life?!

Does anyone else ask themselves, this really mystifying question. 'Whats the purpose of this life?'

I used to ask myself this question constantly, on a daily basis. It was something I would ponder upon but not find an answer. You can go about life with a perfect job, a magnificent house, an amazing social life, but still not find the one answer that we always seek to find. The emptiness that we feel inside and try so hard to remove with the materialistic things of this world.

'Why are we here?'

'What am I doing in this world?' 

On one of those not-so-perfect days, you think to yourself, what difference would it make to the world if you were not here. Reality is, life will still go on and the earth will still continue on its 360 degree journey. But ironically, the answer is staring right at us. Being a Muslim, we go about daily life with the subconscious and the conscious knowledge that God is omnipresent. We pray 5 times a day, and the stark realization comes that we are here in this world to worship God. Period. Everything else that comes along our journey is just temporary. Our relationship with God is everlasting. Our purpose is God.

As it is written in the Holy Quran: 

"I have not created the Jinn and the Men, except they should serve me" (51:56)

Indeed we are here on this earth to serve God, and what a great honor that is!

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